
【現代アート作家】(8月14日生まれ:出身地 岡山県)




1、Pray and curse( 祈りと呪い)


2、Disaggregation and reconstruction(分解と再構成)



3、Discussion for null(非存在との対話)


Troika Amano[Contemporary artist]

Troika Amano is a contemporary artist working in video, photography, and fiction. He was born and raised in a rural town in Okayama Prefecture, Japan.
Drawing from personal experiences with childhood bullying and bipolar disorder, the artist delves into the theme of “emotional wounds,” crafting works under the concept of “nonfiction within fiction.”

In their photographic series, they explore the notion of “invisible art” by utilizing both the front and back surfaces of paper. Photographs are printed on the front, while the back holds deeply hidden emotions, expressed as a kind of incantation. This reverse side, intentionally kept unseen through framing or other means, can only be discovered by the owner of the piece or through digital reproductions. This approach reflects a profound inquiry into how individuals in modern society confront their hidden, unspoken depths.

Expanding beyond photography, the artist experiments with reconstructing images and engaging in dialogues mediated by AI. By deconstructing and reassembling human memory and emotion, their works illuminate the unseen emotional scars that many carry yet remain unnoticed by society. Through their art, the artist continually reflects on the delicate interplay between individual vulnerability and societal connection.


【Series of works currently being attempted】

1、Pray and curse

This work expresses the inner life of the subject and the depths that lie even deeper than that, of which the subject is unaware.
A photograph is printed on the surface of a piece of paper and a picture with a motif of a spell is drawn on the reverse side.
The front and back of the paper are completed as a pair in this analogue work.
As the words ‘prayer and curse’ suggest, the theme of the work is human thoughts and feelings, giving form to personal grudges and thoughts that are not shown to others.
This is also an expression of the Japanese characteristic of keeping their thoughts bottled up inside and taking them to the grave, and an act of exploring the deeper inner life of the human being.

2、Disaggregation and reconstruction

A series in which a single photograph taken is broken down into pieces and reconstituted on top of the same photograph.
The time of the photograph stops there, but by covering it with the same deconstructed material, the artist wonders if it might be possible to reinterpret the feelings contained in the original photograph. This is an experiment.
In an age when many people regret the time that has stopped, if we can conceptually hold out hope that we can change the time that has passed, even if only a little, we may be able to change our own lives. This is an experiment.

3、Discussion for null

An attempt to create unrealities by overlaying AI-generated images on photographed images. The main motifs used are plants.
The models in the photographs are real, but the viewer cannot tell whether they exist or not.
In the world of social networking sites, where more and more people respond, such as by liking a picture, to an entity they have never met and do not even know exists, this work explores the human psyche by daring to create this ambiguous sensation.

2018年 10月:【個展〜お花畑の傷跡〜】
       @76 Cafe OMOTESANDO

2021年 5月:個展「Worthless」
     @The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo


2020年 2月:【UROBOROS展】

2022年 2月:写真展『道標』水田ゆに展参加

2023年 2月:casement13 vol.3 @名古屋spazio rita


    8月: NO ONE KNOWS Second Note
     [Disaggregation and reconstruction]

2024年 1月:絵野めぐみ展~絵と写真と彫刻~@三越百貨店(名古屋栄)


    9月:Sapporo Artistry & Beauty Photo Festival@札幌ファッションデザイン専門学校 “DOREME”旧校舎

          10月:garment13@名古屋spazio rita

2022年 10月:Darkroom Film Festival(London)にて

2023年 8月:なかのZEROにて
       Works of AMANO TROIKAを開催


     Luxembourg Art Prize 2021芸術奨励賞受賞


2022年:Madrid Arthouse Film Festival
     Best horror short受賞
     Stockholm Short Festival受賞
     International Cosmopolitan
     Film Festival of Tokyo受賞
     ※短編映画【The exchanged】

2023年:Idemitsu Art Award 2023 入選